Excellence in Safety

Elevate the safety of your construction projects with Quality Safety Times

We understand that creating a safe working environment is not just a legal obligation, but a moral imperative.

Not Reducing Injuries Fast Enough

According to the 2022 National Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, Bureau of Labor Statistics data revealed 5,486 fatalities for all U.S. workers in 2022, a 5.7% increase from the 5,190 deaths reported in 2021. Based on the numbers, the BLS estimated that a U.S. employee dies once every 96 minutes.



Our Solution

QST’s enhancement in safety topic content, graphics, and discussion questions will further reduce employee injuries and decrease direct and indirect incident costs. Our discussion questions provide the foreman an opportunity to engage the crew on site-specific safety protocols.


OSHA mandates the training of every employee, and tailgate safety topics play a crucial role in meeting this requirement.
Your QST subscription complements the effectiveness of tailgate safety training, ensuring a targeted approach with trade-specific topics.



What You Get

Safety topics from Construction Safety Subject Matter Experts (click here to see our experts bio’s). Each safety topic is written by our in-house Construction Safety Subject Matter Experts and reviewed by at least two other safety professionals who have CSPs, CHSTs and/or CIHs. Click here to see QST Team bios.

Monthly, you will receive safety topics from industry experts showcasing OSHA standards, humanitarian insights, and trade-specific risk control topics:

  • 3-4 OSHA topics such as fall protection, confined space, electrical, etc.
  • 1-2 Humanitarian topics such as suicide prevention, healthy heart, holiday safety, home safety etc.
  • 1-2 Risk Management topics such as public protection, load securement, impact to facility operations, working around other subs, etc.


Clients who have multi-organizational opportunities, please contact us for bulk pricing:

  • Trade Associations
  • Insurers
  • Insurance Brokers
  • OCIP (Owner Controlled Insurance Program) Administrators
  • CCIP (Contractor Controlled Insurance Program) Administrators
  • General Contractors and Municipalities with Disadvantaged Contractor’s Mentorship Programs

Contact Michael Clarke to discuss package options.

michaelclarke@qualitysafetytimes.com or 360-601-9859

Clients who have multi-organizational opportunities, please contact us for bulk pricing:

  • Trade Associations
  • Insurers
  • Insurance Brokers
  • OCIP (Owner Controlled Insurance Program) Administrators
  • CCIP (Contractor Controlled Insurance Program) Administrators
  • General Contractors and Municipalities with Disadvantaged Contractor’s Mentorship Programs

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Michael Clarke

Business Development

Contact Michael Clarke to discuss package options.

michaelclarke@qualitysafetytimes.com or 360-601-9859